Hi! Welcome to my website.
My name is Jimmy M.
You may have landed here, simply to check out what laser /radar detectors are or you must have come with a purpose of trying to find the best product for your use.
Well! Let me tell you, you have come to the right place.
I have always been quite fascinated by radars and laser detectors. Over the years, I have gained thorough knowledge about the electronics and the technology behind them, through experience and learning. I love the fact that an electronic device like a radar detector can be of great help to us.
You may ask, “How is a radar detector helpful?”
Here are the answers:
- Driving long distances is a part of our daily lives. In this fast paced world, everything moves at jet speed. And there are always chances that we over speed and get a speeding ticket. We wouldn’t want that to happen every time, right? A radar detector helps us in avoiding speeding tickets.
- It helps us to regulate the speed of our vehicles, for our own safety.
- Any high-performance sports car with great engine power is sure to get us speeding tickets, at least till we get used to the car. It makes good sense to get a radar detector.
- A radar detector helps us to stay alert. Being aware is a good thing.
I consider radar detectors as tools for safe driving. It is quite easy to get distracted while driving and having a radar detector helps in being aware of the speed and driving safe.
How then, do you choose a good radar detector?
Tips to choose a good radar detector:
- Some of the best detectors have a good range and accuracy.
- The good ones always have alert and control features.
- Radar detectors with GPS feature come in handy, warning us of the crossing speed limits, even in areas which do not sport a speed limit sign.
Other features to consider:
There are different types of radars with different ranges and sensitivities. Before buying one, it is a good idea to check out the different radar/ laser detectors available and install the best one for your use. These laser detectors are expensive and it is a good idea to get to know the reviews about the different products available in the market.
My reviews on Radar Detectors:
Check out my reviews on the different detectors available in the market. It will surely help you in deciding the best one. I have reviewed most of the brands available in the market. Do look them up!
There are several brands in the market that manufacture some phenomenal radar detectors. Some of these brands are Cobra, BEL, Escort, Whistler, and Valentine etc. These are the most popular ones, mostly for their best features and sensitivity. Head on to my product review page where I have reviewed most of these products in detail.
Contact me:
You can always reach out to me at my email address or simply leave a comment.
If you are new to this site, have a look at some of my popular posts and reviews here.
And do not forget to go through the FAQ section which covers topics like myths surrounding the radar detectors, types of detectors, the legality of the detectors in different countries, etc.